Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc

Regular Council Session


Hybrid Meeting (Council Chamber and Virtual)
Strathroy-Caradoc Municipal Office
52 Frank Street, Strathroy, Ontario
  • Mayor Colin Grantham
  • Deputy Mayor Mike McGuire
  • Councillor John Brennan
  • Councillor Frank Kennes
  • Councillor Steve Pelkman
  • Councillor Donna Pammer
  • Councillor Sandi Hipple
  • Councillor Greg Willsie
  • Councillor Brian Derbyshire
Also Present:
  • Trisha McKibbin, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Brianna Hammer-Keidel, Director of Legal and Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Melonie Carson, Deputy Clerk/Records Management Coordinator (Recorder)
  • Bill Dakin, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer
  • Rob Lilbourne, Director of Community Services
  • Jennifer Huff, Director of Building and Planning
  • Doug Payne, Director of Human Resources
  • Tim Williams, Planner
Others Present:
  • Jim Vanderheyden, Applicant

    Jamie Robertson, SBM (Agent)

    Mark Giovannetti

    Lou Arruda

    Cindy Arruda

    Keith MCleod

    Gayle MCleod

    Marc Simard

    Karen Simard

    Theo Schelhaas

    Diane Schelhaas

    Barb Procter

    Dave Procter

    Betty Doucet

    Katelyn Crowley, Zelinka Priamo (Agent)

    Julie McKenzie

    Katie Gatehouse

    June Gatehouse

    Suzanna Hoefnagels

    Taylor Gelinas

    Julian Ghloum

    Robert Vermeersch

    Jennifer Adams

    Jennifer Bint

    Glenn D'Ostilio

    Carla D'Ostilio

    Kathy McColl

    Larry Moffatt

    Karen Karns

    Mike Tacij

    Leo Hoefnagels

    Lynda Patton

    Audrey Gervais

    Steven Gervais

    Eric Gervais

    Alex Weston

    Julie McDonald

    Max Trgllavcnik

    Betty Fay

    Cassandra Hudson

    Dan Untch

    Cindy Read

    Victoria Rawson

    Susan Fisher

    Scott Haslett

    Simona Rasanu, SBM(Agent)

    Kevin Barry (Applicant)

    Craig Schroeder (Applicant)

    Terri Riley

    Brenda Bourdeau

    Jim Bolton

    Linda Bolton

    Maureen Topping

    Robert Topping

    Mark Wise

    Wendy Wise

    Vicki Hill

    Dennis Gallant

    Rhonda Biddle

    Robert Reynolds

    Jillian Reynolds

    Dana Driesman

    Nick Doria

    Evelyn Doria

    Jeff Davidson

    Giulio Fricano

    Coralee Milhomens

    Murray Watt

    Sara Watt

    Lisa Giffin

    Frank Giffin

Mayor Grantham confirmed Council attendance adding that all members were present.

  • Moved byCouncillor Brennan
    Seconded byCouncillor Willsie

    THAT: the August 6, 2024 Regular Council Meeting Agenda be approved as circulated.


Trisha McKibbin, CAO, was present to speak to the matter.

  • Moved byCouncillor Hipple
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor McGuire

    THAT: Council accept the Petition for Drainage Works by Owners for the affected lands identified as Range 1N & 1S part of lots 5 & 6 Longwoods Road in Melbourne and authorize Spriet Associates to prepare an engineer's report on the matter.

  • Moved byCouncillor Pelkman
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor McGuire

    THAT: the Public Meeting is to consider an application for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property located at 9054 Skinner Drive be hereby opened.


Tim Williams, Manager of Planning, was present to speak to the report adding that the purpose and effect of the Official Plan Amendment is to re-designate the subject lands from ‘Agricultural’ to ‘Agricultural – Special Policy Area No. 13’ to permit the applicant to make an application to sever a surplus farm dwelling that is at least 10-years old. Section of the Strathroy-Caradoc Official Plan (SCOP) states that dwellings considered surplus to a farming operation may be severed from the balance of the farm provided the residential dwelling was built prior to ‘January 1, 1999’. As the dwelling was constructed in 2003, it does not qualify for a severance under the current SCOP policy. While the severance application is on hold pending the approval of the Official Plan Amendment, a concurrent zoning application has also been made. The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment application is to rezone the lands to be retained from the ‘General Agricultural (A1) Zone’ to a site-specific ‘Agricultural Small Holdings (A2-#) Zone’ and the lands to be severed from the ‘General Agricultural (A1) Zone’ to the ‘Agricultural Purposes Only (A3) Zone’. No change to the lands zoned ‘Environmental Protection (EP) Zone’ is proposed. As the applicant is not yet able to apply for a severance, staff consider the rezoning application premature, and no decision will be required until after a severance is conditionally approved. A severance application cannot be made without a supportive Official Plan Amendment being in full force and effect and a zoning by-law amendment would be premature until such time as a severance is conditionally approved.  Therefore, while staff are generally supportive of the proposed rezoning, staff consider the zoning application premature, and no decision is recommended at this time. If a severance is approved with a condition that the lands be appropriately rezoned, staff will bring a rezoning recommendation report to Council for a decision.

  • Moved byCouncillor Pelkman
    Seconded byCouncillor Pammer

    THAT: the Public Meeting is to consider an application for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property located at 9054 Skinner Drive be hereby closed.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Hipple

    THAT: Report BBP-2024-73 regarding OPA 4-2024 and ZBA 10-2024 be received for information, and further;

    THAT: Amendment No. 20 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc (application OPA 4-2024) which would add a special policy area to the lands known municipally as 9054 Skinner Drive to permit the severance of a surplus farm dwelling that is 10-years of age be adopted and forwarded to the County of Middlesex for consideration and approval.

  • Moved byCouncillor Brennan
    Seconded byCouncillor Pelkman

    THAT: the Public Meeting is to consider an application for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property located at 24605 Saxton Road be hereby opened.


Tim Williams, Manager of Planning, was present to speak to the report adding that the purpose of the subject official plan and zoning by-law applications is to facilitate the development of two 7-storey apartment buildings containing a total of 160 dwelling units on a private driveway with a mostly covered surface parking lot.  The proposal includes 200 parking spaces of which 14 will be visitor parking spaces.  The proposal includes an access from Saxton Road to the parking areas as well as future internal connections to the remainder of the shopping centre. Approximately 3,156.7 m2 of common amenity space is proposed between the parking areas for the buildings. One building is setback 6 metres from the Saxton Road frontage.  The second building is set deep on the lot 10.57m from the rear lot line. The buildings each have roof top amenity area with a void to the south to reduce the overlook on existing residential dwellings to the southeast of the property. Staff and the applicant have worked through a few issues during the pre-consultation process however the following issues still remain:  

  • Stormwater Outlet is needed
  • Servicing Capacity - confirmation of watermain capacity
  • Single Access point
  • Parking justification
  • Interface between the apartment building and existing backyards
  • Commercial conversion justification
  • Outstanding Noise Study comment

It is recommended that these items either need to be addressed prior to bringing the item back to Council or potentially some may need to be addressed as “Hold” in the zoning.

Jamie Robertson, SBM (Agent), spoke in support of the application.

Keith McLeod, Karen Simard, Betty Doucet, Mark Giovannetti and Gail McLeod, residents, spoke in opposition to the proposed application and addressed concerns with privacy, noise, parking, traffic flow, and lack of amenities and transportation.

Councillor Hipple had the same concerns as the residents adding that the road isn't big enough and there are no sidewalks and working on Strathroy-Crossings municipal drain and spoke to the maximum flow rate. The Councillor also has concerns with school capacity as the current schools are overflowing and one is at maximum capacity and others are adding portables. Councillor Hipple addressed concern about the height of the building blocking sunlight and shadowing on Twin Elms as well as concerns with one access point and emergency services.

Councillor Kennes asked if there are rules on height of buildings in the community, and if there are, would like to know what they are. Tim Williams, Manager of Planning, advised that the Zoning By-law restricts the height of residential buildings to 15 meters.

Deputy Mayor McGuire asked if there has there been any consideration about flipping the building 180 degrees so parking would be closest to Twin Elms, putting the tall building deeper into the area, taking some of the concerns of the residents of Twin Elms.  Jamie Robertson, SBM (Agent) added that the conversation has been opened and currently wanted to keep with keeping the accesses, and if buildings are moved up, going to have an access to Saxton Road that is very close to the existing access for the Twin Elms Estates and it becomes more of a traffic item, however the conversation can go back to the applicant specifically with the comments and it could be explored further in depth. Jamie also added that a wall would not be built south border, would be proposing landscape like trees and shrubbery and fencing which would help with noise and light reduction. Jamie spoke to shadowing and stormwater management and responded to the question about target demographic, adding that there is no specific demographic that is being sought after, however, this would be higher end units looking at more senior and established families to be renting out.

Councillor Pelkman also inquired about turning the building closest to the Canadian Tire to keep it away from the Twin Elms properties.  Also inquired about adding a few more parking spots along the building.

Councillor Kennes acknowledged the amount of staff time that goes into this and wants to make sure municipality is being compensated fairly for the effort that goes into dealing with these plans.  Director Huff added that municipality receives application fees for all applications so we are getting what we can.

Councillor Willsie asked if this does get approved, what is the intent for timeline to begin construction.  Jamie Robertson, added there is no specific timeline yet, process has to play out itself, but being a residential opportunity, excited for shovels in the ground as soon as they possibly can.

  • Moved byCouncillor Brennan
    Seconded byCouncillor Willsie

    THAT: the Public Meeting is to consider an application for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property located at 24605 Saxton Road be hereby closed.

  • Moved byCouncillor Pammer
    Seconded byCouncillor Pelkman

    THAT: the subject report BBP-2024-97 for Official Plan Amendment 03-2024 and Zoning By-law Amendment 5-2024 be received for information.

  • Moved byCouncillor Brennan
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor McGuire

    THAT: the Public Meeting is to consider an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property located at 22226 Adelaide Road, Mt Brydges hereby opened.


Tim Williams, Manager of Planning, was present to speak to the report adding that the purpose of the zoning by-law amendment application is to permit the development of the proposed restaurant with a drive through. Access to the subject lands is proposed on both Adelaide Road and Allen Road.  The rezoning is requesting the property be within a site specific ‘Highway Commercial (C2-#) zone’ from the ‘Future Development (FD) Zone’. Staff and the applicant have worked through a few issues during the pre-consultation process however the following issues still remain:

  • Stormwater outlet is needed/on site detials
  • Servicing Capacity - need confirmation of demand
  • Road widening details
  • Additional justification for reduced queueing and buffer areas (setback and landscape buffer)

It is recommended that these items either need to be addressed prior to bringing the item back to Council or potentially some may need to be addressed as “Hold” in the zoning.

Katelyn Crowley, Zelinka Priamo (Agent), spoke in support of the application.

Residents Katie & June Gatehouse, Glenn D'Ostilio, Kathy McColl, Leo Hoefnagels, Audrey Gervais, Alex Weston, Dan Untch, Scott Haslett, Suzanna Hoefnagels, Taylor & Julian Gelinas, Robert Vermeersch, Jennifer Adams, Jennifer Bint, Larry Moffatt, Susan Fisher, Sharon Sparing, Rob Neely, Greg Kilbourne and Owen Sullivan all spoke in opposition of the proposed rezoning and addressed concerns about the location, smell, rodents, noise, loitering, resident safety, decrease in property value, negative environmental impacts, increased litter in the community, traffic congestion, parking, fit within the community, wastewater management, increased traffic and speeding on Parkhouse Drive, Troops Road, and Glendon Drive and think this is out of character for the neighbourhood.

Deputy Mayor McGuire wanted to make it clear that staff or Council did not bring this concept of a McDonald's at this location forward, it was brought forward by the developer and the client. Also commented on the concerns about Glendon Drive and wanted to mention we are involved in the urban boundary expansion and that is not yet complete.  The Deputy Mayor wanted to acknowledge all the comments and concerns received from the residents and added that he is not in favour of this application and can not support this.

Councillor Derbyshire will be putting a motion forward to deny the application.

Councillor Pelkman was on the public meeting that took place and told residents he was going to do some research, so shared the details.

Councilor Kennes acknowledged the concerns adding that they have swayed his thinking, however wanted to show support for McDonalds the company as he hopes that they will be welcomed in Mount Brydges somewhere in a suitabile area in the future, as he thinks they are a good corporate citizen and what they provide to the community in terms of chairitable donations and the jobs they provide. Councillor Kennes also acknowledged the developer who does good work within the community and surrounding communities and supports turning down this application because of location and traffic concerns.

Councillor Willsie would like to know process if we can ask proponent of this to upgrade Parkhouse and if we could have developer upgrade the road, however if this is denied and goes to OLT and gest approved, would municipality be on the hook for all of the upgrades required for this development.  Tim Williams, Manager of Planning, noted that it is a complicated question and thinks we need to understand that if there are items directly related to the success of the Zoning By-law amendment, that those things would need to carry forward through OLT or as part of a site plan process.  Have learned from other applications that they have to be directly related to the need for that development to move forward in order for them to be a part of contribution or alike. 

Trisha McKibbin, CAO, added that whatever resolution is made tonight, need to provide reasons and justification as to why Council is making their decision because if there is an appeal to OLT, that provides Council's rational for the decision that has been made.

Councillor Brennan wonders if Council is thinking about the idea of an appeal to the OLT and if we have to provide reasons to justify what were doing, wouldn't it be better to follow standard procedure to accept for information and have staff work with developer and have it come back to Council to see what alterations have been made and if still opposed, then deny it.  Then if it is appealed to OLT, Council followed standard procedure, worked with developer and reasons why not approving it.  If Council does not want it to be on that site, what is the best pathway to accomplish that in terms of getting it before the OLT.

  • Moved byCouncillor Brennan
    Seconded byCouncillor Pelkman

    THAT: the Public Meeting is to consider an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property located at 22226 Adelaide Road, Mt Brydges hereby closed.

  • Moved byCouncillor Derbyshire
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor McGuire

    THAT: the subject report BBP-2024-92 for ZBA 09-2024 be received for information, and further;

    THAT: Council deny the application on the basis of it being a high traffic business on a convoluted corner with two exits; insufficient space on the parcel to allow an adequate number of cars to queue before the menu board, leading to additional traffic backing up into and blocking the regular flow of traffic on Allan Road; the reduced number of parking spaces from the minimum requirement is inadequate; a danger of parking overflowing onto surrounding margins of roads near this difficult intersection causing sight line problems at the intersection; therefore, Council can't support this proposal.

  • Moved byCouncillor Hipple
    Seconded byCouncillor Brennan

    THAT: Council take a short recess at 8:38 p.m.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Kennes

    THAT: the meeting resume at 8:47 p.m.

  • Moved byCouncillor Hipple
    Seconded byCouncillor Kennes

    THAT: the Public Meeting is to consider an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property located at 564 Dewan Street, Strathroy be hereby opened.


Tim Williams, Manager of Planning, was present to speak to the report adding that the purpose of the subject zoning by-law application is to facilitate the development of six townhouse dwelling units on a private driveway.  The proposal includes a single access from Dewan Street to eleven parking spaces for tenants and visitors.  The Dewan Street frontage will include the private driveway as well as the side of the end unit of the townhouse that will be designed to have the appearance of a main front wall of the townhouse facing the street. The rear portion of the lands are subject to regulation by the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority.  Prior to the submission of the application, the applicants have modified their plan to address comments from the Conservation Authority and have moved the building envelope outside of the flood regulated area.  Since the public open house, the applicants have made further adjustments to the plan. Staff and the applicant have worked through a few issues during the pre-consultation process however the proposal submitted still contains a few remaining outstanding items that need to be addressed:

  • Servicing capacity – need confirmation of demand
  • Stormwater Outlet is needed/on site details
  • Services need to be outside of the drive given there is a single access
  • Road widening is not required at Zoning, however the setback of the building is proposed to be 4.5 m with a sidewalk encroaching further additional information is needed for how this will function
  • Proximity of hydrants
  • Waste management details are needed
  • Conservation Authority requires additional information

Simona Rasanu, SBM(Agent), spoke in support of the application.

Residents Terri Riley, Jim Bolton, Linda Bolton, Maureen Topping, Robert Topping, Mark Wise, Wendy Wise, Dennis Gallant, Rhonda Biddle, Evelyn Doria, Robert Reynolds, and Coralee Milhomens spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning adding that they had concerns about noise, lighting, stormwater management and flooding, property value, safety, parking, infrastructure and traffic, sidewalks, snow plowing and sewers. 

Councillor Pammer wanted to confirm whether or not there are are storm sewers on Dewan.  Tim Williams, Manager of Planning, added that in front of this particular location, there are not. Councillor Pammer also wanted to know with that parking lot being at the back, and if the municipality approved for parking on that section of the lot and it flooded and cars floated away, who would be liable.  Jennifer Huff, Director of Building & Planning, added there would be some complications as it wouldn't only be approved by municipality, but also conservation authority permit at play as well, and whether or not it was constructed as what is required by the approved plan. All factors would come into play and most likely the municipality would be brought into a legal matter but it wouldn't be clear cut. Councillor Pammer added that she is not in favour of the proposal, primarily because it lacks the infrastructure and doesn't have urban standard on that road with sidewalks, curbs, possibly not enough storm sewers, drainage problems, flooding problems, road width problems, turn around problems, garbage problems, and this is not the road to be doing this on. The Councillor believes in intensification and thinks we need that but it needs to be in place where we have the infrastructure to support it. 

Mayor Grantham echoed Councillor Pammer's comments and thinks that intensification is necessary, however not where it isn't appropriate.

Deputy Mayor McGuire echoed the comments and explained that the subject lands are within the designated Settlement Area of Strathroy. The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), the Middlesex County Official Plan, and the Strathroy-Caradoc Official Plan all encourage intensification in settlement areas on full municipal services, provided the development is compatible with the surrounding area and represents an orderly and efficient use of land and this does not. Section of the PPS states that settlement areas will be the focus of growth. Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on: Densities and a mix of land uses which are appropriate for.  Deputy Mayor McGuires noted that this is not appropriate for. Section 2.4.1 of the Strathroy-Caradoc Official Plan states residential intensification and redevelopment are encouraged where compatible with existing development and infrastructure is appropriate. The Deputy Mayor added that this is not compatible with existing development and infrastructure is not appropriate in the way of storm sewers.  Section 2.4.6 of Strathroy-Caradoc Official Plan establishes that residential intensification shall be encouraged in settlement areas where it is complementary to, and compatible with, the nature, scale, design, and general character of neighbouring development and in his opinion, this is not.

Councillor Pelkman attended the open house and made comments clear at the time that there cannot be a single car on the street as a result of this development. The Councillor added that this is a very narrow street and when it rains there are big puddles. Councillor Pelkman can't support this development due to the garbage issue, there is 4 feet between the edge of the roadway and the front door, so that means you're stepping onto road and there will be no room for 6 garbage/6 recycling bins. Snow removal is also another issue

Councillor Brennan agreed with all the comments that have been said, adding that if this were to go forward, what's to stop a developer from buying other houses on these deep lots on the same street and putting in 6 or 8 or 10 and at some point the street would be even more overloaded then it is now. Agreed this is too narrow and there's not enough infrastructure but if it were to proceed, how do we say no to the next development, or the one after and suddenly you have 32 or 45 and we already know that the infrastructure is inadequate to support that and that the road is not up to a full urban standard.  Councillor Brennan added that there are places in town where you have storm sewers and all amenities required, but this is not the place and cannot support this.

Councillor Kennes agreed with everyone's comments adding that this is not a street that can handle a lot of traffic, and if we set a president here, it only adds to the problem in the future.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Pelkman

    THAT: the Public Meeting is to consider an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property located at 564 Dewan Street, Strathroy be hereby closed.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Pammer

    THAT: the subject report BBP-2024-77 for Zoning By-law Amendment be received for information, and further;

    THAT: Council deny this application as it is inconsistent with the Provincial Policy Statement under Section as it's not appropriate for, nor does it efficiently use the infrastructure and public services which are planned for or available; it is not consistent with the Strathroy-Caradoc Official Plan, Section 2.4.1, which states residential intensification and redevelopment are encouraged where compatible with existing development and infrastructure is appropriate; Strathroy-Caradoc Official Plan, Section 2.4.6, establishes that residential intensification shall be encouraged in settlement areas where it is complementary to, and compatible with, the nature, scale, design, and general character of neighbouring development.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Pammer

    THAT: Council take a recess at 9:55 p.m.

  • Moved byCouncillor Kennes
    Seconded byCouncillor Pammer

    THAT: the meeting resume at 10:02 p.m.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Kennes

    THAT: all items be deferred except for Items 8.1.1, 8.1.5, 8.2.2, 8.2.4 and Item 16 including By-law No. 79-24 and By-law No. 80-24 to the meeting scheduled for Monday, August 12, 2024.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Brennan

    THAT: the meeting be extended to no later than 11:00 p.m.


Representatives from BM Ross were present to provide a presentation and answer questions from members.

  • Moved byCouncillor Brennan
    Seconded byCouncillor Kennes

    THAT: Council receive report EPW-2024-58 Head Street Reconstruction Options for information.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Pammer

    THAT: Council directs staff to proceed with the design and costing of option 1, and further;

    THAT: a report with the final design and costing come forward to Council for approval.


Trisha McKibbin, CAO, was present to speak to the report and answer questions from members.

  • Moved byCouncillor Brennan
    Seconded byCouncillor Hipple

    THAT: Council receive Report EPW-2024-62 Agreement for Permanent and Temporary Easements – Queen Street Phase 2 Road Reconstruction Project for information.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Kennes

    THAT: By-law No. 79-24 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the documents regarding easements at 157 Front Street East be forwarded to the Consideration of By-laws section of the agenda for approval.


Jennifer Huff, Director of Building & Planning, was present to speak to the report and answer questions from members.

  • Moved byCouncillor Brennan
    Seconded byCouncillor Kennes

    THAT: Report BBP-2024-82 Request for Draft Plan of Subdivision Extension – Southgrove Meadows be received for information.

  • Moved byCouncillor Hipple
    Seconded byCouncillor Kennes

    THAT: Council recommend to the Director of Planning, County of Middlesex, that Draft Approval of Subdivision File No. 39T-SC1302 be extended for an additional three years.


Jennifer Huff, Director of Building & Planning, was present to speak to the report and answer questions from members.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Kennes

    THAT: Council receive Report BBP-2024-93 on the Second Round of Housing Accelerator Funds for information.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Brennan

    THAT: Council provide direction to staff to submit a HAF2 funding application.

  • Regular Council Meeting - Monday, August 12, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m. - Council Chamber/Hybrid
  • Council Recess - Monday, August 19, 2024
  • Regular Council Meeting - Tuesday, September 3, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. - Council Chamber/Hybrid
  • Regular Council Meeting - Monday, September 16, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. - Council Chamber/Hybrid

Items were deferred to August 12, 2024.

Item was deferred to August 12, 2024.

A by-law to authorize the execution of a permanent easement and consent to enter an agreement between the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc and Richard and Maureen Harrison (Storm Sewer Extension - Queen Street Phase 2 Project).

  • Moved byCouncillor Kennes
    Seconded byCouncillor Hipple

    THAT: By-law No. 79-24 receive first, second and third and final reading.


A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the August 6, 2024 Regular Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc.

  • Moved byCouncillor Brennan
    Seconded byCouncillor Pammer

    THAT: By-law No. 80-24 receive first, second and third and final reading.

  • Moved byDeputy Mayor McGuire
    Seconded byCouncillor Pammer

    THAT: the August 6, 2024 Regular Council Meeting adjourn at 10:28 p.m.

No Item Selected