THAT: Amendment No. 19 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc (application OPA 1-2024) which would re-designate the lands municipally known as 24546 Adelaide Road in Strathroy from ‘Commercial’ to ‘Residential- Special Policy 14’ be adopted and forwarded to the County of Middlesex for consideration and approval; and
THAT: the rezoning application, ZBA 2-2024 which would rezone the lands part of the lands municipally known as 24546 Adelaide Road, Strathroy from “General Commercial (C1) zone” to site specific ‘High Density Residential (R3-24-H-4-H-10) as amended by staff, be approved; and
THAT: By-law 112-24 and By-law 113-24 be referred to the Consideration of By-laws Section of the Agenda.