THAT: Council receive report BBP-2024-47 titled “Community Improvement Applications – Spring 2024” for information, and further;
THAT: Council approve Nicholas and Diana Forget’s application for funding through the Additional Unit Program and Beautification Program to the maximum amount of $21,238.83, and further;
THAT: Council approve Alisha and Michael Gleiser’s application for funding through the Intensification and Redevelopment Program to the maximum amount of $10,600, and further;
THAT: Council approve Dale Ross, Ruud Terpstra, Steve Boucher, and Melissa Boucher’s application for funding through the Beautification Program to the maximum amount of $20,000, and further;
THAT: By-law No. 44-24, By-law No. 45-24, and By-law No. 46-24 be referred to the Consideration of By-laws section of the agenda for approval.