THAT: Report BBP-2023-142 regarding 39T-SC2302, OPA 1-2023 and ZBA 3-2023 be received by Council for information, and further;
THAT: Amendment No. 17 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc (application OPA 1-2023) which would re-designate the lands formerly part of the lands municipally known as 599 Albert Street, Strathroy from ‘Community Facility’ to ‘Residential’ and remove the requirement for a Secondary Plan be adopted and forwarded to the County of Middlesex for consideration and approval, and further;
THAT: the rezoning application, ZBA 3-2023 which would rezone the lands formerly part of the lands municipally known as 599 Albert Street, Strathroy from ‘Future Development’ and ‘High Density Residential’ Zone to site specific ‘High Density Residential Zones (R3-21-H-5), Open Space (OS) Zone, and site specific ‘Medium Density Residential (R2-28-H-5), be approved, and further;
THAT: By-law No.104-23 and By-law No.105-23 be referred to the Consideration of By-laws Section of the Agenda for approval