Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc
Regular Council Session

Hybrid Meeting (Virtual and In-Person)

The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc acknowledges that it is located on Treaty 21 territory. We are thankful to the generations of people who have taken care of this land, including The Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, The Munsee-Delaware First Nation, and The Oneida Nation of the Thames.


Vision: Strathroy-Caradoc’s communities will provide economic opportunities, wellbeing and places to call home for residents and businesses.

Mission: We serve the communities of Strathroy-Caradoc by delivering modern municipal services, proactively planning for the future, and facilitating partnerships that advance our goals.



  • Recommendation

    THAT: the December 4, 2023 Regular Council Meeting Agenda be approved as circulated.

Delegation regarding requested amendments to the Municipality's Emergency Response Plan.

THAT: Staff provide Council with a report from the Planning and Engineering departments regarding the impact on a by-law requiring all new roads and remediated roads to include a bike lane with safety markers; and

THAT: the report include best practices and examples of the options taken by other municipalities with similar by-laws.

THAT: A special meeting to provide an information session on Water and Wastewater take place on Tuesday, January 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the conference room, with the guest speaker to be Berta Bella Krichker, P. Eng., F.E.C.

THAT: Staff provide Council with a report with a comparative analysis (including financial implications) of the Municipality providing a mortgage from reserves to Caradoc Housing Corporation for the Adelaide Road housing project in Mount Brydges as opposed to the commercial mortgage.

The purpose of this public meeting is to consider an application for the rezoning for the property located at 21861 Cooks Road.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the public meeting to consider an application for the rezoning for the property located at 21861 Cooks Road be hereby opened.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the public meeting to consider an application for the rezoning for the property located at 21861 Cooks Road be hereby closed.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Report BBP-2023-137 regarding ZBA 20-2023 be received by Council for information;

    THAT: the rezoning application, ZBA 4-2023 which would rezone the lands municipally known as 21861 Cooks Road to allow for two dwellings for a maximum time frame of 1 year, be approved; and

    THAT: By-law 98-23 be referred to the Consideration of By-laws Section of the Agenda for approval.

The purpose of this public meeting is to consider an application for the rezoning for the property located at 6919 Calvert Drive.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the public meeting to consider an application for the rezoning for the property located at 6919 Calvert Drive be hereby opened.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the public meeting to consider an application for the rezoning for the property located at 6919 Calvert Drive be hereby closed.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Report BBP-2023-136 regarding ZBA 20-2023 be received by Council for information;

    THAT: the rezoning application, ZBA 20-2023 which would rezone the lands municipally known as 6919 Calvert Drive, expand the existing contractor’s yard, be denied.

    THAT: the reasons for denying the rezoning application include: The proposal is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement; and The proposal does not conform to the County of Middlesex Official Plan and the Strathroy -Caradoc Official Plan.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the Regular Council meeting minutes of November 20, 2023 be approved as written.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council adopt the Engineers Report for the Baran Drain 2023, and give first and second reading to provisional By-law #89-23 for the project.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council adopt the Engineers Report for the Winters Drain 2023, and give first and second reading to provisional By-law #92-23 for the project.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Report LLS-2023-06 be received for information; and


    THAT: Deputy Mayor Mike McGuire and Councillors Brian Derbyshire, Frank Kennes, and Steve Pelkman be appointed to represent the Municipal Council on the Committee of Adjustment for the upcoming year 2024.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council approve report FIN-2023-44 for information, and further;

    THAT: Council approve the 2024 Proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges, and further;

    THAT: By-law 81-23 be referred to the Consideration of By-laws for approval.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Report FIN-2023-49 be received for information and the applications be approved for processing.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the accounting firm of BDO Canada LLP Sarnia office be appointed as the Municipality’s external auditor for the December 31, 2023 year-end, and further;

    THAT: Staff be directed to prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Qualified Auditing Services for the years ending 2024 -2027; and

    THAT: By-law 102-23 be referred to the By-law section of the agenda for approval.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council receive report BBP-2023-145 Tender Award – Update to the Strathroy-Caradoc Zoning By-law for information, and further;

    THAT: Council award the Strathroy-Caradoc Zoning By-law Update Project to GL Richards in the amount of $60,035.11 (excluding HST).

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Report BBP-2023-143 be received by Council for information, and further;

    THAT: Council approves the Local Services – Oversizing Policy, and further;

    THAT: Bylaw 86-23 Local Service – Oversizing Policy be referred to the Bylaw section of the Agenda for approval.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council receive report CS-2023-2024 titled Construction Tender Award Fire Hall - Station 1 for information and further;

    THAT: Council approve the awarding of the tender to Tradition Construction Inc. for a value of $7,428,200.00 plus HST and further;

    THAT: Council approve a 10% contingency fund to address unforeseen circumstances that may arise for a value of $742,820.00.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council receive report CS-2023-35 for information, and further;

    THAT: Council approve the purchase of 4 Station Protect Air Purifiers from Task Force Tips (TFT) Fire Fighting Equipment for a total cost of $26,616.00 plus HST.


  • Recommendation

    THAT: Report CAO-2023-12 be received for information, and;

    THAT: Council approve the extension of the Animal Control Agreement with Lobo Animal Care Centre for (3) three months ending March 31, 2023.

  • Tuesday, December 12, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m. - Finance Committee Meeting
  • Monday, December 18, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m. - Regular Council Meeting 
  • Monday, January 8, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m.- (Tentative) Finance Committee Meeting

Council may move into Closed Session for the purpose of discussing the following:

  • One item in accordance with Council's Procedure By-law (to approve In-Camera Meeting Minutes)

  • One item pursuant to Section 239(e) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board.
  • Recommendation

    THAT:  Council move into closed session at _____ for the purpose of discussing the following:

    • One item in accordance with Council's Procedure By-law (to approve In-Camera Meeting Minutes)

    • One item pursuant to Section 239(e) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board.
  • Recommendation

    THAT: Closed Session adjourn at ____ and Open Session resume.

Mayor Grantham to report on the Closed Session.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the direction in Closed Session be approved.

Being a by-law to establish fees and charges for services, activities, and the use of property provided by the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 81-23 receive first, second and third and final reading.

Being a by-law to authorize the local servicing - oversizing policy.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 86-23, receive first, second and third and final reading.

Being a by-law to provide for the construction of the Baran Drain 2023 serving Parts of Lots 3 and 4, Concessions 3 and 4 in the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc in the County of Middlesex.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 89-23, receive first and second reading.

Being a by-law to provide for the construction of the Winters Drain 2023 serving Parts of Lots 15 and 16, Concession 3 in the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc in the County of Middlesex.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 92-23, receive first and second reading.

Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a temporary use agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc and Christopher Antonio Devito and Lauren Terese Devito Re Construction of a second dwelling at 21861 Cooks Road.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 99-23, receive first, second and third and final reading.

Being a by-law to authorize the execution of the renewal of an agreement between Animal Care Centre Lobo (Amanda Wells and Allen Fortner) and the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc regarding Animal Control Services.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 101-23 receive first, second and third and final reading.

Being a by-law to appoint a Municipal Auditor for the 2023 fiscal year. (BDO Canada LLP)

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 102-23 receive first, second and third and final reading.

Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc. (December 4, 2023 Council Meeting)

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 100-23 receive first, second and third and final reading.


  • Recommendation

    THAT: the December 4, 2023 Regular Council Meeting adjourn at ____.

No Item Selected