Following voting on the previous matter, Mayor Grantham called for a brief recess at 8:21 p.m. The meeting resumed at 8:31 p.m. with the consideration of the Mount Brydges Waste Water Treatment Facility Insulation report.
Councillor Derbyshire presented a three-clause motion regarding the Mount Brydges Waste Water Treatment Facility. The first clause was separated and became the initial motion that was moved and seconded for consideration:
Moved: Councillor Derbyshire
Seconded: Councillor Willsie
THAT: Staff be directed to engage immediately River Birch Biodisk, to undertake a final third party independent review (identify/reaffirm all required repairs and upgrades), implement all required works and provide ongoing consultation to the municipal staff for the Mount Brydges WWTP (RBC) updates and performance for this WWTP to address the following: a) the winter RBC WWTP performance conditions and compliance; and b) an interim (2-3 years) efficient RBC system performance that will meet the community needs and will ensure compliance with MECP requirements. All cost of the repairs and upgrade is subject to Council approval.
After further discussion, amended resolutions were considered by Members.