Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc
Regular Council Session

Hybrid Meeting (Virtual and In-Person)

The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc acknowledges that it is located on Treaty 21 territory. We are thankful to the generations of people who have taken care of this land, including The Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, The Munsee-Delaware First Nation, and The Oneida Nation of the Thames.


Vision: Strathroy-Caradoc’s communities will provide economic opportunities, wellbeing and places to call home for residents and businesses.

Mission: We serve the communities of Strathroy-Caradoc by delivering modern municipal services, proactively planning for the future, and facilitating partnerships that advance our goals.



  • Recommendation

    THAT: the April 2, 2024 Regular Council Meeting Agenda be approved as circulated.

Patrick Verkley and Hadley Jenkins-Giffen, Middlesex Federation of Agriculture Directors to make a presentation to Council.

Bill Dakin, Director of IT & Financial Services/Treasurer, will present the 2024 Consolidated Budget. There will be an opportunity for members of the public to address Council with respect to the proposed 2024 budget.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council approve the 2024 Recommended Municipal Budget with a Tax Rate Increase of 4.47% increase, and further;

    THAT: By-law No. 31-24 to adopt a budget for the year 2024 for the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc be referred to the Consideration of By-laws section of the agenda for approval.

The purpose of this public meeting is to consider an application for Draft Plan of Subdivision at the property located at 390 Second Street, Strathroy. (Northgrove Meadows Inc.).

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the public meeting to consider an application for Draft Plan of Subdivision at the property located at 390 Second Street, Strathroy be hereby opened.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the public meeting to consider an application for Draft Plan of Subdivision at the property located at 390 Second Street, Strathroy be hereby closed.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the subject report BBP-2024-32 for Draft Plan of Subdivision 39T-SC2401 be received for information.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Staff provide a report to Council on Caradoc Housing Corporation regarding the following matters:

    1) The terms and schedule for repayment for the $1.1 million loan;
    2) The repayment of the $2 million that was borrowed, and if not repaid, when it is anticipated to be repaid; and
    3) Resources, if any, currently being provided to Caradoc Housing Corporation, such as bookeeping, snow removal, and lawn care.

THAT: Council direct staff to provide a report of all Sole Sourced contracts for the past 5 years;

THAT: This report include the values for each individual contract and the total spent with each contractor;

THAT: This report also include the values of total contracts for each department where Sole Sourcing is used for the purpose of calculating the percentage of Sole Sourced Contracts.

THAT: All Wastewater and Water sole-sourced projects require a third-party review before going to RFP for construction or implementation;

THAT: These reviews focus on the technical aspects, likely outcome, and financial accuracy of the sole-sourced recommendation.

THAT: The Building & Planning Department prepare a report on municipally owned lands located at a) Bella and Francis Streets and b) 480 Saulsbury Street for the consideration of residential development, and further;

THAT: a draft Expression of Interest for residential development on these sites be brought back to Council for approval at the May 20th meeting of Council, and further;

THAT: the Expression of Interest include the following:

1) As part of the agreement, the land be sold to the developer for $1 with the Municipality reserving the right of first refusal on any future sale; and

2) That the agreement to maintain affordable rents for a period of not less than 25 years; and

Francis Street Lot: 

- mid to high rise community of affordable and or attainable and market rent housing
- include a park feature
- accommodate a range of transportation options including bikes, ebikes, cars and electric vehicles
- use energy efficiency standards and green building techniques

Saulsbury Street Lot:

- low to mid rise community of affordable and/or attainable and market rent housing
- accommodate a range of transportation options including bikes, ebikes, cars and electric vehicles
- use energy efficiency standards and green building techniques


  • Recommendation

    THAT: Report LLS-2024-03 titled “Alternate Locations for Council Meetings – Update” be received for information, and further;

    THAT: Council approve the alternate meeting location of Caradoc Community Centre for Regular Council Meetings scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. and Monday, July 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council receive report FIN-2024-10 for information, and further;
    Treasurer and the CAO be authorized to work with the Chippewas of The Thames First Nation (COTTFN ) to expedite the transfer of the subject land to the Reserve; and further
    THAT:  the Treasurer and Tax Collector be authorized to designate the subject property as municipally exempt from property tax until such time as the Order in Council is received designating the subject lands as Reserve lands thus alleviating the need of future exemption.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council receive report BBP-2024-30 for information, and further;

    THAT: By-law No. 29-24 which provides for the assumption of assets in the Woods Edge Subdivision be forwarded to Council for consideration of adoption.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council receive report BBP-2024-31 for information; and
    THAT: Council require the applicants to work on providing a servicing solution that complies with the existing standards and bylaws in coordination with Municipal Staff

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council receives report CS-2024-17 titled Community Events Program Grant Allocations for information, and further;

    THAT: Council approve the allocations as identified in the report.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council receive Report EPW 24-30 regarding the Strathroy Water Tower Painting Tender Award, and further;
    THAT: Council approve the Strathroy Water Tower Painting and the $352,000 variance be funded from the Water Reserve fund, and further;
    THAT: Council award the Strathroy Water Tower Painting Award to Landmark Municipal Services for $901,966 including full HST; and
    THAT: Council award the Inspection Services to MISCO Consulting Services for $99,950 including full HST.

  • Recommendation

  • Recommendation

    THAT: Council Receive Report No. Fire-2024-05 for information; and further,
    THAT: Council adopt the Fire Service Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.

  • Thursday, April 11, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m. - Special Meeting of Council (Strategic Plan Workshop)
  • Monday, April 15, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. - Regular Council Meeting
  • Monday, May 06, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. - Regular Council Meeting

Council may move into Closed Session for the purpose of discussing the following:

  • One item in accordance with Council's Procedure By-law (to approve In-Camera Meeting Minutes)
  • Two items pursuant to Section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality;
  • One item pursuant to Section 239(2)(e) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality.
  • Three items pursuant to Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees.
  • Recommendation

    THAT:  Council move into closed session at _____ for the purpose of discussing the following:

    • One item in accordance with Council's Procedure By-law (to approve In-Camera Meeting Minutes)
    • Two items pursuant to Section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality;
    • One item pursuant to Section 239(2)(e) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality.
    • Three items pursuant to Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees.
  • Recommendation

    THAT: Closed Session adjourn at ____ and Open Session resume.

Mayor Grantham to report on the Closed Session.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: the direction in Closed Session be approved.

Being a by-law to dedicate, accept, and assume streets and services within the plan of subdivision known as Plan 33M-670, 33M-692 and 33M-740, Forest Meadow Drive, Woods Edge Road, Lucas Ave, Radisson Lane, Pondhaven Road, Regent Street, Bond Street and Terry Fox Court, Blocks 50, 44 & 76 inclusive, in the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc, in accordance with the agreements pertaining registered as instrument number ER881381, ER916512, ER1023280, ER1145917, ER1152469.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law No. 29-24 receive first, second and third and final reading.

A by-law to adopt a budget for the year 2024 for the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 31-24 receive first, second and third and final reading.

A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with the Middlesex London Paramedic Service for the activation of tiered response.

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 32-24 receive first, second, and third and final reading.

Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc. (April 2, 2024)

  • Recommendation

    THAT: By-law 33-24 receive first, second and third and final reading.


  • Recommendation

    THAT: the April 2, 2024 Regular Council Meeting adjourn at ____.

No Item Selected